CSIR-CRRI Celebrates International Women's Day 2024.
CSIR-CRRI: “We extend our utmost respect to the incredible strength, courage, and resilience exhibited by our female CSIR-CRRI employees, praising their exceptional achievements across diverse domains”.
- The International Women’s Day IWD-2024 was celebrated at CSIR-CRRI during 08th March to 15th March, 2024 in a big scale. CSIR-CRRI hosted a successful series of event on the occasion of the International Women's Day-2024 under the theme "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.”
- The inaugural event on March 8, 2024, was chaired by Prof. Manoranjan Parida, Director of CSIR-CRRI, and Mrs. Beena A. Sequeria, Chairperson of the IWD-2024 Organizing Committee & COA, CSIR-CRRI. Prof. Parida highlighted the significance of International Women's Day, stressing the celebration of women's accomplishments and the pursuit of gender equality worldwide. He specifically acknowledged the remarkable achievements in research and development in the area of Road / Transport by the women employees of CSIR-CRRI. On this day, female employees were given a platform to share their experiences, struggles, perspectives on women's empowerment, and life journeys.
- As a tribute to the women who hold significance in one's life, an initiative was introduced during the International Women's Day programs at CSIR-CRRI from March 8th to March 15th, 2024. All employees were encouraged to take selfies alongside the influential women in their lives, showcasing love, respect, and appreciation. These heartfelt images were then featured on digital display boards, symbolizing the collective acknowledgment and celebration of the invaluable role played by women in our lives.
- On the 12th of March 2024, the second day of the celebrations, a Slogan Competition was organized based on the theme of International Women's Day. The judging panel included Dr. Chetana Sachidanandan, Senior Principal Scientist,CSIR-IGIB, Sh. Santosh Kumar, Administrative Officer,CSIR-CRRI, and Ms. Priyanka Gupta, Section Officer,CSIR-CRRI.
- In the 3rd day (13.03.2024) of the celebrations various cultural programs including group and solo dance performance, singing etc. were organized by the women employees of the CSIR-CRRI. On this day, all female employees proudly displayed their traditional or ethnic attire, with the aim of promoting Indian culture and heritage.
- On March 14, 2024, the CSIR-CRRI Staff Club arranged a Women’s Cricket Match, engaging all female employees, including contractual staff, project staff, AcSIR students and Ph.D scholars who participated with immense joy and enthusiasm.
- A session combining talk and discussion focused on the theme "Impact of Media on Women" took place on March 14, 2024. Ms. Megha Manchanda, Journalist & Assistant Editor, Economics Times, led the discussion, while Dr. Ambika Behl, Senior Principal Scientist of CSIR-CRRI, moderated the session.
- On March 15, 2024, as part of the closing ceremonies, Dr. Chidambra, Head of Transport Planning at the School of Planning and Architecture (SPA) in New Delhi, delivered a Women’s Day lecture. The lecture focused on the topic "The Role of Gender-Aware Transport Policies and Schemes in the Economic Empowerment of Women. Following the presentation of a memento to the chief guest and the distribution of prizes to the winners of the various competitions held in connection with the Women’s Day celebrations in 2024, the program concluded with a vote of thanks by Shri Santosh Kumar, Administrative Officer, CSIR-CRRI.