Research Publication
CSIR has published 5769 research papers during 2021 in SCI journals of repute. The new knowledge generated from CSIR laboratories is reflected in terms of high average Impact Factor (5.401). Following Graph shows the trend of research over the last five years as well as cluster wise publications during the year 2021:

Research Papers during 2017-2021

Average Impact Factor per paper during 2017-2021
Cluster-wise publication in 2021
Excellence in Intellectual Property
CSIR has filed 317 patents abroad and 225 patents in India during 2016-17, and it has been granted 298 patents abroad and 101 patents in India. Following graphs provide data on patents filed and patents granted over the last five years:
Patents filed in numbers from FY2017-18 to FY2021-22
Patents granted in numbers from FY2017-18 to FY2021-22
Cluster-wise patents filed in India in 2021-22
Cluster-wise patents filed abroad in 2021-22
CSIR’s Copyright Filing
CSIR has filed 61 Copyright applications during 2021-22. The copyright applications filed by CSIR subsist in different categories such as literary work, software and artistic work.
Copyright applications filed during 2021-22