Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

CSIR, India: A Global Technology Partner

CSIR Outreach

PAN India Network Regional Connectivity with State and Industry

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) under the Ministry of Science and Technology is India’s premier industrial R&D organization. It has immense strength of 37 multidisciplinary industrial research institutes spread across the country with activities spanning almost all areas of Science and Technology, having highly talented human resources, vast R&D infrastructure, and strong connections with Industry and government. CSIR focuses on developing technologies, products, and interventions across all industrial sectors. It has technology power of over 900 products/technologies most at TRL 5-8 levels, and more than 3200 active patents. In addition to carrying out research and development work, CSIR contributes immensely towards building a robust R&D capacity and capability in the country.

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Other Indicative R&D Programs Developments and Services of CSIR and some useful links to know more about CSIR are given below for your perusal.