S. No. Title Download/Details
1 Proforma for Organizing the International Conference/ Workshop/ Seminar/ Symposium etc. by the CSIR Laboratories
  1. Confernce-Proforma.pdf (367.85 KB)
  2. Confernce-Proforma.docx (18.61 KB)
2 CSIR Proformas for Deputation Abroad, Report and Vigilance
  1. 1 CSIR Proformas for Deputation Abroad, Report and Vigilance.pdf (714.66 KB)
  2. 1 CSIR Proformas for Deputation Abroad, Report and Vigilance_0.docx (241.3 KB)
3 Proforma for visits of foreign nationals to CSIR
  1. Proforma for Foreigners visit to India 23112022.pdf (189.25 KB)
  2. Proforma for Foreigners visit to India 23112022.doc (41 KB)
4 Format for sec-sen clearance of joint R&D Projects
  1. 3 Format for sec-sen clearance of joint R&D Projects.pdf (86.65 KB)
  2. 3 Format for sec-sen clearance of joint R&D Projects.doc (44.5 KB)
5 Bilateral Workshop by CSIR with External funding
  1. 4 Bilateral Workshop by CSIR with External funding.pdf (203.78 KB)
  2. 4 Bilateral Workshop by CSIR with External funding.docx (59.87 KB)
6 Bilateral Workshop under CSIR Programmes without Financial details
  1. 5 Bilateral Workshop under CSIR Programmes without Financial details.pdf (203.42 KB)
  2. 5 Bilateral Workshop under CSIR Programmes without Financial details.docx (59.89 KB)
7 Bilateral Workshop under CSIR Programmes with Financial details
  1. 5.1 Bilateral Workshop under CSIR Programmes with Financial details.pdf (301.27 KB)
  2. 5.1 Bilateral Workshop under CSIR Programmes with Financial details.docx (57.14 KB)