Information ISTAD FAQ

Which institutes/agency are exempted under FCRA for prior permission to avail the foreign hospitality and not considered as foreign source in terms of FCRA?

The said list of institutions/agencies is maintained by the FCRA division of MHA and are available at the below link:

What are the essential clauses for any cooperation MoU/ Agreement?

Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) involving export of material from India should include the below clause. The Term ‘Partner County’ to be replaced with the name of the proposed country.

“The parties agree to comply with Partner County and Indian export control laws and regulations pertaining to the export of technical data, services and commodities. The Partner County Recipients understand that sharing controlled technical data with non- Partner County persons is an export to that person’s country of citizenship that is subject to Partner County export laws and regulations, even if the transfer occurs in the Partner County. Partner County Recipients or Indian provider will obtain any necessary Partner County government or Indian government license or other authorization required pursuant to the Partner County or Indian export control laws and regulations for the export or re-export of any commodity, service or technical data covered by this Agreement, including technical data acquired from Provider pursuant to this Agreement and products created as a result of that data".

What are the documents / information required to be sent to ISTAD for seeking necessary approvals?

The below information should be sent to ISTAD (if already not covered in the MoU/Agreement) along with the mutually agreed text of the MoU

  1. Areas/projects for partnership
  2. Clear objectives and plan of their execution
  3. Modes/forms of Partnership (such as exchange of students/ scientists, implementation of projects, setting up centres, etc.)
  4. Source of funds for implementing planned activities
  5. Measures for protection and sharing of background Intellectual property (IP) and the IP expected to generate under this collaboration.
  6. Expected benefits and advantage to CSIR / India from this cooperation.
  7. CSIR / India’s loss if the MoU does not get signed and implemented as informal partnership continues.
  8. Number of similar MOUs / cooperation arrangements singed by the institute and present implementation status of each such arrangements
  9. Involvement of any security / sensitivity issues related to location of joint activities (involvement of prior reference countries (listed on MHA site) or sensitive areas in India need MHA clearance which would be processed by ISTAD), exchange of sensitive materials (human, plant, geographical; prior clearances from GOI authority will be obtained by the laboratory).
What are the various Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) coordinated by ISTAD?

ISTAD coordinates all bilateral and multilateral MoUs proposed to be signed by either CSIR or CSIR Laboratories with the partners abroad. These MoUs could be in the form of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), Material Transfer Agreements (MTA), Letter of Intent, Letter of Agreement (LoA), Intellectual Property Management (IPM) Plan, Memorandum of Cooperation, Memorandum of Agreement etc where no business transaction is involved.

What are the essential clauses for any cooperation MoU/Agreement?
  1. Clearly mentioned names of the partner organizations alongwith their legal status
  2. Clearly defined objectives
  3. Scope of cooperation
  4. Modes/forms of cooperation activities
  5. Management of Cooperation; It may include the method proposed for review and coordination of cooperation activities (joint committee, nodal contact points, etc.
  6. Financial implications and administrative terms (Article 5)
  7. Defining Confidential Information and its usage/non-usage rights and provisions
  8. Defining the usage, sharing and ownership of the Intellectual Property, both background and foreground
  9. Applicability of Governing Laws and Arbitration in case of doubts/disputes
  10. Force Majeure
  11. Other general terms, validity and termination clauses
What is the approval process for different types of MoUs/Agreements?
  1. NDA – the NDAs are approved by DG CSIR. If required, comments of LA CSIR and IP Unit may be obtained, based on the terms and conditions mentioned in the NDA
  2. Secrecy Agreement, Intellectual Property Management (IPM) Plan under a collaborative projects approved by the competent authority: The Secrecy Agreement are approved by DG, CSIR. Comments of LA CSIR and IP Unit may be obtained, based on the terms and conditions mentioned in the Agreement.
  3. MTA – The CSIR Lab proposing to execute a MTA for the transfer of biological materials should obtain necessary approvals from ICMR (for human biological material) or National Biodiversity Authority (for plant biological material). The MTA along with the necessary approval should be sent to ISTAD for further approvals.
  4. Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum of Cooperation, Memorandum of Agreement – the following standard approval process will apply to these MoUs/Agreements.
    1. Evaluation of the draft MoU/Agreement by ISTAD in consultation with CSIR-IPU and CSIR Legal cell wherever applicable for examining the IPR and legal issues involved.
    2. Obtaining GOI clearances (MEA, DPIIT, MHA as applicable).
    3. Obtaining approval of Secretary, DSIR and DG, CSIR.
    4. Obtaining approval of VP, CSIR and Hon’ble Minister where MoUs (bringing the Union into relation with any foreign country) are to be signed/exchanged/ announced during VVIP (PM / President / Minister level) meetings
How much time does the approval process take?

Since the MoU is sent to DPIIT and MEA, it may take anywhere around 4-6 weeks. In some cases, it may also take longer, especially if MHA clearance is also required.

Do CSIR laboratories need to send a copy of the signed MoU to ISTAD?

Yes, a copy of the signed MoU/Agreement should be sent to ISTAD for record and reference within one month of its signing

Shall CSIR Laboratories get funding for execution of planned activities in the MoU?

No, CSIR Laboratories shall use their own funds for execution of the activities.

How CSIR Labs come to know about the existing cooperation arrangements of CSIR with foreign research and technology organization ?

List of MoUs /Agreements signed by CSIR with foreign partners is available on CSIR website or can be requested from Head, ISTAD.