Stores - Purchase Universe
- CSIR Stores - Purchase Procedure
- CSIR Stores - Purchase Procedures Archive
- CSIR Store - Purchase Notification/Circulars/OMs
- Special Provisions for Scientific Ministries/Departments
- Quick Links (OMs/Circulars of other Deptts./Organization)
- Other relevant OMs/Circulars
- Learning Resources
- GeM Training
- ISTM Knowledge Portal
- Case Studies
- Best Practices
- Stores & Purchase Division, CSIR Hqrs.
- IEMs/Integrity Pact in CSIR
- Reports/Returns by the Labs. /Instts. (Coming Soon)
- Procurement Plans
- Debarred Firms
- Common Documents for CSIR
- IT Security Assessment
- GeM Updates
- ACCESS Portal