EU-India/MoES Research & Innovation Cooperation Horizon Europe 2023 - Funding Opportunities for India/ Call for Proposals (CL5-2024-D1-01-02) - [Opening Date: 12 Sep 2023 & Last Date :5 March 2024]

EU-India/MoES Research & Innovation Cooperation
Horizon Europe 2023 – Funding Opportunities for India
Ocean - climate – biodiversity – glaciers

The European Union and the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India, have agreed to join forces to jointly address the global challenges. The MoES will co-fund the successful Indian entities in two calls under the Horizon Europe. Proposals are invited against the following topics:


1) HORIZON-CL5-2024-D1-01-02: (4.14 MB) Inland ice, including snow cover, glaciers, ice sheets and permafrost, and their interaction with climate change-(RIA) Opening: 12 Sep 2023 | Deadline(s): 05 Mar 2024 (see page 66 for complete call text) For the modalities of participation and funding eligibility, please see the MoES Web notice – Click here (950 KB)