Human Resource Development through training/fellowship opportunities for CSIR Scientists at centres of excellence abroad (RRF)

ISTAD has been managing the in-house fellowship program of CSIR ’Raman Research Fellowships’ that provides exposure of the global centers of excellence to young and bright scientists of CSIR. Raman Research Fellowships (RRF) are granted to CSIR Scientists and technologists below the age of 45 years, with PG in engineering or PhD in Science, for carrying out research in the emerging / high priority areas of CSIR in reputed institutions / R&D centers of excellence abroad. Under the scheme currently a total of 54 man-months, divided among up to 12 scientists, are available annually. The Fellows are provided with roundtrip international travel, monthly fellowship of US$ 2500, a supplementary grant of US$ 1000 for participation in conferences / visiting institutions of excellence in the host country and a contingency / preparatory allowance of US$ 1000.