आईईएम/अखंडता समझौता
In order to ensure transparency and probity in public procurement activities, Central Vigilance Commission has recommended implementation of the concept of ‘Integrity Pact’ (IP) in respect of all major procurements activities by government organizations. For smooth implantation of the IP, the Commission has put in place a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The IP envisages appointment of Independent External Monitors (IEMs) who are eminent and experienced persons of high integrity ad reputation to oversee the implementation of IP. For CSIR and its Labs./Instts./Hqrs. and its Units, a panel of two IEMs have been appointed. Their details are given below:
Appointment of IEMs in CSIR
- DR. PRABAKARAN PALANIAPPAN, IAS (Rtd) Email: pprabakaranias@gmail.com
- DR. RAJAN S KATOCH, IAS (Rtd) Email: rkatoch@nic.in
This Pact envisages an agreement between the prospective vendor/bidder and the buyer committing both the parties not to exercise any corrupt influence on any aspect of the contract. Only those vendors/bidders who have entered into such an Integrity Pact with the buyer CSIR would be competent to participate in bidding with CSIR wherever the value of each contract is equal to or exceeds Rs.3 Crores.
- Operationalization of IP-IEM Scheme – (i) Scheduling of Meetings, (ii) Furnishing Information in New Format, and (iii) Structure of Review Meetings - 04/01/2024
- Revised Standard Operation Procedure (Revised SOP) for Implementation of IP-IEM Scheme. (3.11 MB) - 12/07/2023
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for adoption of Integrity Pact (1.02 MB) - 25/01/2022
- Operationalization of Integrity Pact (IP)and IEM Scheme in CSIR - 11/05/2022