CASE Recruitments & Results

Sl No. Title Advertisment No. Last Date Download/Details
1 Declaration of Final results of Combined Administrative Services Examination (CSIR CASE -2023) E-I/RC/2023/1 02-02-2025 Notice_02012025_CASE2023_Result (562.37 KB) , Annexure_A_SO (466.9 KB) , Annexure_B_ASO (1.85 MB)
2 Declaration of results of Combined Administrative Services Examination (CSIR CASE -2023) 3-2(a)/2023-E.I (RC) 31-12-2024 Declaration of results of Combined Administrative Services Examination (CSIR CASE -2023) (544.69 KB)
3 CSIR CASE 2023 - Document Verification for ASOs - reg. 3-2(a)/2023-E.I (RC) 24-12-2024 Notice for Document Verification for the post of ASO (481.19 KB) , List of candidates for Document Verification (3.74 MB)
4 Declaration of minimum threshold marks for Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) in CSIR Combined Administrative Services Examination (CSIR CASE -2023) for recruitment of ASOs – reg. 3-2(a)/2023-E.I (RC) 20-11-2024 case-notice-01112024.pdf (372.26 KB)
5 Clarification regarding allegation of wards/relatives of CSIR employees shortlisted for interview under CASE-2023 3-2(a)/2023-E. I (RC) 15-11-2024 notice_relative_csir_case2023.pdf (99.43 KB)
6 Schedule of holding interviews for the post of Section Officer (SO) in CSIR (CASE-2023) [Interview Date: 25-29 Oct 2024] 3-2(a)/2023-E.I(RC) 29-10-2024 Schedule for Interview (375.19 KB) , list of candidates (583.55 KB)
7 Schedule of Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) Re-test and downloading of Admit Cards for the post of Assistant Section Officer in CSIR (CASE-2023)-reg. 3-2(a)/2023-E. I (RC) 02-09-2024 Admit card for CPT Re-test (155.71 KB)
8 Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) for CASE-2023 – representations thereof. 3-2(a)/2023-E.I(RC) 02-09-2024 CPT retest notice (62.85 KB) , Ann.II list (4.34 MB)
9 Regarding Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) for CASE-2023-reg. 3-2(a)/2023-E. I (RC) 09-08-2024 Office Memorendum (112.2 KB) , Annexure I (890.63 KB)
10 CSIR - Combined Administrative Services Examination - 2023 (CASE-2023) - Recruitment). E-I/RC/2023/1 23-07-2024 om-receuitment.pdf (178.35 KB)